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Physical Chemistry for Biochemists II
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Physical Chemistry for Biochemists II
College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences
HW 8 Review Session
March 17, 2023
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Final Exam Review
Summary of Physical Chemistry
Enzyme Kinetics
Exam 3 Review
Kinetics: Consecutive Reactions and Equilibrium
Kinetics Pt. 2: Reaction Mechanisms
Introduction to Kinetics
UV/Vis Spectroscopy and Molecular Orbitals
Spectroscopy: Rotation and Vibration
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Why Everything You Learned is a Lie
Exchange, Magnetism and Spin-Orbit Coupling
Spin States and the Exchange Interaction
Multielectron Atoms, Shielding and the Pauli Principle
Quantum Matrix Mechanics
Spectroscopy Selection Rules and Introduction to Spin
Hydrogen P, D States and Intro to Spectroscopy
Hydrogen Radial Wavefunctions
HW 8 Review Session
Separability of the Hydrogen Atom Hamiltonian Pt. II
Separability of the Hydrogen Atom Hamiltonian
Exam2 Review
3D Rigid Rotor Wavefunctions and Spin
The 2D Rigid Rotor
Rotation in 3D
Multidimensional Quantum Mechanics and Intro to Rotation
The Uncertainty Principle Pt. 2
The Uncertainty Principle Part 1
Practice problems
The Harmonic Oscillator Pt. II, Turning Points
The Harmonic Oscillator Pt. I: Vibrational Wavefunctions
Practice Problems
The Finite Box
Barriers and Tunneling Phenomena
Freewaves and the Particle in a Box
Exam 1 Review
Proof of the Expectation Value Equation
Operators and Eigenvalue Equations
Expectation (i.e. Average) Values
All About Wavefunctions
Introduction to the Schrodinger Equation
The Planck Distribution
Review of Boltzmann Statistics and Probability Distribution Function Engineering
Light Waves in a Box!
The Photoelectric Effect and Introduction to Blackbody Radiation
Relative Velocity, Collision Frequency and Flux
Transformation of variables in integrals via the Jacobian
The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of Velocity
The Erf() Function and Integral Substitution of Variables
Introduction to the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Introduction to Probability Distributions